I am complaining about my body, and then bam, I see something on National Geographic about some poor boy who was born with a rare genetic disease that makes him horribly disfigured and puts him in serious danger of dying young. I know, put into perspective, these are minor things to have to put up with, but I am wholly unsatisfied with the shape I'm in.
We are almost completely unpacked, but take a look at what I was faced with still, only days ago:
In what will be Alyssa's room.
What a freaking mess. This is one area of the living room.
The breakfast bar looking into the kitchen.
And a bag full of recyclables because for whatever reason, our community does not recycle...we'll be taking them in ourselves.
Little by little, this townhouse is starting to grow on us. One thing I miss most? No where to sit and see nature; nowhere to even go for a walk, unless we want to make the 20 minute walk to the beach. We do have some really nice parks near us, and I will probably end up taking Alyssa there so that she can experience some "nature," but there are no more opportunities to sit outside and feel the breeze while watching birds peck around at our grass or out of our bird feeder. There is no greenery here to speak of. I am determined to make one of our patios on the top floor, our own secret garden. I'll post a before and after.
The 22nd was my birthday. 26. We celebrated with a sweet potato pie and dinner my mother made for me. She loves me. Michael bought me a new laptop, and my brother's gift to me (at my request) will be taking us to the Premier in Boca to watch Transformers this weekend.
Oh, and can I say how excited I am for the new Harry Potter?
Aly and Mike at birthday dinner:
Check out half of my allergy testing:
I am allergic to oats, barley, rye, and slightly to almonds. Although, I eat almonds all the time. Especially when they're coated in chocolate.
And outside of food, I am allergic to just about everything else on earth. My doctor said I'm the type of person they'd write papers on. Ha!
Enough about me. What's new with you?